
Buyers Can Get Loan Advice at Times Home Fair

Confusing choices, endless questions, mountains of paper.

Sounds like a pretty good description of home-loan shopping, doesn’t it?

We can take some of the confusion and complexity out of mortgage borrowing, if you’ll give us a few hours of your time.

At The Times eighth annual Home Buyers Fair, consumers can see how their credit stacks up and how to clean up any blemishes, get pre-qualified for a loan so they’ll know how much home they can afford and learn what new mortgage programs are available with commercial lenders and government programs.

The fair will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 1, at the Shrine Auditorium & Expo Center, 700 W. 32nd St., and the afternoon session is all about credit and mortgages. The morning workshop will explore house hunting and home buying.


Besides the workshops, about 55 exhibitors--lenders, realty agents and nonprofit and government agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service, FHA, VA, state Department of Real Estate, Consumer Credit Counseling and the Home Loan Counseling Service--will be on hand to talk with you at their booths.

Admission to the fair is $7.50. A $2.50-off coupon will appear in upcoming editions of the Real Estate Section of The Times.

Also, on the Internet, check out the Virtual Los Angeles Times Home Buyers Fair at:


For exhibitor information, call (800) 775-4662.
