
Louis Brown Helps Write Book on Domestic Violence


Louis Brown, the father of Nicole Brown Simpson, has helped two volunteers at the foundation named for her write a book about domestic violence.

The three will share a $35,000 advance for the 192-page paperback titled “Stop Domestic Violence,” due out this spring. It discusses the issues surrounding battered women and how they can break out of abusive relationships, said co-author Merritt McKeon.

McKeon said she first discussed the book with Brown shortly after she began volunteering at the Nicole Brown Simpson Charitable Foundation. She then brought in her friend, the Rev. Francos Dubau of Laguna Beach, to help write it.


Working as a pastor, Dubau said, he has had experience with people in abusive relationships.

Brown, a former real estate broker, said he wanted to share the knowledge he has gained from the foundation.

“I’ve had a PhD in domestic violence here [through] telephone calls and letters,” Brown said.


Dubau said the book contains only two references to O.J. Simpson, who was acquitted in the killing of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman. Simpson pleaded no-contest to spousal abuse while married to Nicole, although other instances of domestic violence have been alleged.

John Murphy, a spokesman for New St. Martin’s Press in New York, said, “This is totally a book on domestic violence, and what can be done about it. In no way, shape, or form is it an O.J. book.”

Dubau and McKeon said they each wrote about half of the book, then went over it with Brown, who suggested some changes. Brown will write the book’s foreword.
