
More Magli Shoe Photos Surface in Simpson Case


One of the attorneys trying to prove O.J. Simpson a killer has examined several photos that surfaced over the holidays and purportedly show Simpson wearing the same Bruno Magli brand shoes that left bloody footprints by the bodies of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman.

A part-time photographer based in Buffalo, N.Y., says he took several shots of Simpson in the distinctive waffle-sole shoes at a football game Sept. 26, 1993--about nine months before the murders.

The plaintiffs have already showed civil trial jurors one photo of Simpson from that football game. The defense did not dispute that the shoes in that photo are Bruno Maglis, a hard-to-find Italian brand that sells for about $160 a pair. Rather, Simpson and his lawyers told jurors that the photo was a fake.


Now, however, a second photographer has come forward with photos that he says corroborate the snapshot shown to jurors earlier in the trial. E.J. Flammer, who works as an account executive in his family’s printing business but takes photos for the Buffalo Bills on the side, says his snapshots from that game show Simpson in the same outfit--shoes and all--as the photo that the defense says is bogus.

“They’re very clear,” said Flammer’s attorney, Mark K. Cramer. “I have no doubt in my mind they’re authentic.”

Flammer has the original negatives for the photos and is willing to testify in the civil case, Cramer said.


Plaintiff attorney John Q. Kelly has already flown to Buffalo to examine the photos. But the plaintiffs have not yet submitted them to a footprint expert or a photo analyst.

Meanwhile, Flammer has hired an agent to try to sell the shots. He discovered them in his archives, his lawyer said, after someone suggested that he search through his files.
