
Woman Denied Membership Sues Elks


A suit filed by a 44-year-old Santa Ana woman claims that she was denied membership in the local Order of the Elks Lodge because of her gender.

Beverly Weston-Vensel, the wife of an Elks member, claims in the suit filed this week in Orange County Superior Court that Lodge No. 794 refused her bid to join despite the recommendation of a membership committee. The suit claims no man with committee approval has been refused in 15 years.

Weston-Vensel said she “has no idea” why she was turned away but believes the tradition of the charity organization may be clouding the judgment of local leaders.


“They should learn to change with the times or they aren’t going to make it,” she said. “I think the Elks are the most wonderful charity organization in the world, but the local leaders have lost sight of what a lodge is supposed to be.”

Lodge Exalted Ruler James Tobin said the controversy has been an unpleasant distraction for a group focused on charity, youth scholarships and social events.

“We’ve done what we can; we invited her to reapply,” said Tobin. “The whole thing is really unfortunate. I don’t know what her agenda is. There’s a women’s club that uses our center. I don’t try to join their group. Why would a woman want to join a men’s club?”


In 1995, the national Order of the Elks broke from a 128-year-old tradition of male-only lodges with a mandate to bring in female members to boost dwindling membership and avoid legal battles.

The Santa Ana lodge has about 1,650 members, including only two women, both admitted this year. One of those female members, Shirlee Watson, was refused admission in July, at same time that Weston-Vensel was rejected, according to the suit. A month later, Watson was admitted by a second vote, while Weston-Vensel’s nomination was not reconsidered, the suit claims.
