
Riordan Signs Bill to Ban Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers

Despite last-minute appeals by gardeners and Japanese American community leaders, Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan this week signed an ordinance banning the use of gas-powered leaf blowers within 500 feet of residences.

The ordinance, which the City Council passed in a 9-3 vote Tuesday, would impose a $1,000 fine on both the user of the blower and the employer. Leaf vacuums no louder than 45 decibels or electric leaf blowers would be permitted under the new ordinance, which takes effect July 1.

At a Thursday news conference organized by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, a multiracial panel of gardeners said the restrictions are not feasible because no leaf vacuums currently available are quiet enough. They also said electric blowers put users at risk of electrocution.
