
New Leaders in State Assembly

* Re “Bustamante Begins Historic Speakership,” Dec. 3: Thank you for giving credence and importance on this momentous occasion. It is quite a major accomplishment and a historical event to have the first Latino [Cruz Bustamante, D-Fresno] voted into a key and powerful position. In addition, the highlight on Assemblywoman Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica) as the first woman and open lesbian to hold the speaker pro tem position is one to put on the books.

However, I was very disappointed when there was no mention of another significant appointment. I am referring to the majority floor leader--Assemblyman Antonio Villaraigosa (D-Los Angeles). Villaraigosa delivered a moving and sincere speech that captured the essence of Bustamante’s commitment and dedication to forging ahead with a positive and productive agenda for California.


Los Angeles

* In reading “Assembly’s Profile Little Changed by Term Limits” (Dec. 2), a significant statistic stood out: the increased diversity of the Assembly, specifically the Democratic representation. It appears the Democratic Party has made a significant effort to be inclusive and increase the diversity of its ranks.


I believe that two things played a significant role in the change of Assembly makeup--implementation of affirmative action policies and philosophies and term limits. Affirmative action opened the doors of opportunity and success for the underrepresented groups and term limits made legislative seats available to new candidates and new faces.

The alarming, but not surprising, statistic in this article is the continued lack of diversity in the Republican Party.


San Diego
