
Citizenship Classes

* “The principal reason why I want to be a citizen is . . . “ (Valley Perspective, Dec. 1) was put to participants in a VOICE-sponsored citizenship class. I hoped to read positive, uplifting stories of courageous escapes from persecution fueled by a burning desire to experience and help preserve our country’s unique and precious individual freedoms and, in grateful thanks, expressions of a sincere commitment to participate in and contribute to the common good.

Sadly, avoiding loss of benefits and loss of rights (code for loss of benefits) are the prime motivators. Quite literally, the voice of VOICE can be heard as the respondents puppet a desire to be able to vote, in a misguided belief that it will end discrimination.

Noting that a translator was needed for the piece, my guess is that learning to speak English hasn’t been high on the list of our future fellow citizens.


In truth, VOICE cynically cheapens citizenship as an inconvenient device needed only to preserve handouts and to continue ethnic isolation.


North Hollywood

* These responses are a lot different from the responses from my immigrant parents. Not one of these people said they wanted to give something to this country. Every one of them spoke about taking something from this country. One of the very best past presidents said: “Ask not want your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

The sad part about this group of people is they probably do not mean what they said. Most likely they are mouthing a speech of some liberal activist.



