

“Send in the Clouds” (by Michael Walker, So SoCal, Oct. 20) was a bright spot in the pages of the magazine. Walker truly captured the feeling of California in October.

Dorothy Moody

Manhattan Beach


Wow! Did your article hit home or what? Never mind your caterwauling Burmese--that’s me your’re describing.

I was born and raised at the foot of the Colorado Rockies, where the four seasons occurred every year. I came out here to college, and I’ve spent the last 37 years in the mono-seasonal, smog-shrouded air at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains (which are not always visible). And those days when they are visible are referred to by the local weather reporters as good-air-quality days and seem to be a season unto themselves.


I can’t wait to move back to where I couldn’t wait for summer.

Thanks for your fun article.

Sally Wade

Hacienda Heights


So our winter is not Walker’s idea of the type of winter he got used to in the Midwest. So what!

Walker comes here (we didn’t invite him) and sarcastically bad-mouths our [weather]. He and all those others who are unhappy with our weather can take a permanent hike out of Los Angeles and California.

Dennis A. Pierce

Los Angeles
