
Leaf Blower Regulations

I venture to say there are [more than] 100,000 [leaf] blowers in the L.A. Basin affected by this law recently passed by the City Council.

I sometimes wonder if some of these City Council people need to be recycled, for they fully lost contact with the average homeowner.

[With] the kind of wages they make, they would not dirty their hands to do yard work, and if they did they would know that a [leaf] blower is also used as a vacuum to pick up the leaves. If the other problem is noise, why don’t we ban [gas- and electric-powered] lawn mowers and use push lawn mowers instead? Let’s be realistic: No one is going to comply with this law, and certainly the police will not patrol the street in order to cite an offender.


This is another example of the City Council wasting our tax money on frivolous laws.


