
Public Gets Chance to Grill Candidates

Organizers of a City Council candidates forum Oct. 17 are soliciting questions from the public.

The Floral Park Neighborhood Assn. will hold a public forum that will include statements from the candidates in the Nov. 5 election, as well as the questions from the public’s suggestions.

Set for 7 to 9 p.m. in City Council chambers, the event will be broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 3 and taped for rebroadcast Oct. 20, 21, 23 and 27 at various times.


Those who would like to suggest questions for the candidates may fax them to Candidates Forum, (714) 836-3555, or mail them to: Candidates Forum, P.O. Box 1829, Santa Ana CA 92702.

Council chambers are at 22 Civic Center Plaza.
