
Too Young for ‘Seniors Only,’ Too Old for Kids

The recent question in the “Apartment Life” column (“Renter Prefers Not to Live Near Kids,” Sept. 1) raised a serious topic. Unfortunately, the columnist gave only a clinical response to what is an obscene backlash of government control of how we choose to live our lives.

The writer of the letter, as do I, desires to rent an apartment that is free of the noise and mess of children. However; since state and federal laws prohibit owners and managers from “discriminating” against children, we renters are unable to secure such tranquil housing this side of the “senior only.”

The columnist suggests finding a building that is currently kid-free. Good advice, but as he states, there is no guarantee that is how it will remain. Renters beware: This is all too true; I speak from experience.


It’s bad enough that I am robbed by the government (i.e. taxes) to pay for your kids to go to school and/or jail. Now the government tells me that I have to live next to the little urchins as well.

Who is really being discriminated against here?


Santa Barbara
