
Stacey Koon

The Times was its usual snide self when commenting on the refusal of Judge John G. Davies to add additional prison time for Sgt. Stacey Koon and Officer Laurence Powell in the Rodney King episode (editorial, Sept. 30). Regardless of the estimates, the funds raised for Koon’s defense were given voluntarily by people who felt the officer had been unfairly treated by the judicial system. An unfairness encouraged by the hostility of The Times. Voluntarily, I repeat. Whereas King’s payoff from the city was extortion of public funds at the highest level.

As for The Times’ definition of King’s “traffic infraction,” is that how to define traveling at 110 mph, failing to stop, driving through stop signs and red lights, failing to yield to lawful authority and refusal to lie down?



* Re the editorial regarding Koon making money over the King incident, as if the part he played should not pay: Why not? King committed crimes and was given $3.8 million for his trouble. So you see, crime does pay.



Huntington Beach
