
Reclaiming a Name, Expressing Support

A letter appearing in the Letters to the Editor column on Sept. 1, bearing my name, was not written by me.

The letter titled “Invitees Should Boycott Forum” referred to the Emerald Forum and complained that only the four leading candidates were invited. The letter stated that “If the four invitees had character they would decline to participate,” and ended with an untrue statement that Linda Parks had previously run for City Council. I find it interesting that this writer talks about character when it is dishonest to sign another person’s name without permission and to give wrongful information about another person.

I do not share that opinion. Residents are fortunate to have someone like Linda Parks run for City Council. I support her candidacy for Thousand Oaks City Council and feel that we as a city are most fortunate to have someone of her professional training and unblemished character as a “leading candidate” for this position.



Thousand Oaks
