
Chamber Vulnerable to Self-Promoters

The individual Ventura businessperson is usually the salt of the earth. He or she is generally bright, hard-working, a good parent, spouse and neighbor.

However, when they group together to further their own goals, this mutual support must go also to that minority of their associates who are unprincipled money grubbers and whose aims are destructive to the community. If they do not get support, they will retaliate by opposing the efforts of the responsible members to further their interests in a benign manner.

Consequently, the Ventura Chamber of Commerce will support any commercial venture, unless it is certain to outrage the residents completely. Sometimes they and their representatives on the City Council guess wrong, however, as in the current stadium fracas.


This deal, and others equally unsavory, have convinced a lot of us that the chamber is the natural enemy of the taxpaying, home-owning parent, and must be opposed politically.

We must never again vote for a well-financed chamber slate of compulsive promoters, and must seriously consider recalling one or more of their pets right now.


