
Drunk Drivers and Prop. 213

Your article describing the tragic death of the Guth family by a suspected drunken driver is a poignant reminder of how irresponsible and dangerous drinking and driving can be (“A Bitter Irony,” Aug. 28). Unbelievably, some drunk drivers break the law and then believe they should also be entitled to compensation for their “pain and suffering.”

Current law allows drunk drivers to sue law-abiding citizens for huge monetary awards in addition to being compensated for medical and out-of-pocket expenses after an accident--even in cases where they also caused the collision.

This November, voters will have an opportunity to put a stop to this abuse by voting for Proposition 213, sponsored by California Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush. Proposition 213 will thwart the efforts of these lawbreakers to get pain-and-suffering awards for their crimes, while still protecting their right to be compensated for medical and out-of-pocket expenses.


In 1995 alone, 1,343 people lost their lives to drunk drivers and another 36,961 suffered injuries in collisions involving drunk drivers. It is imperative that Californians not allow themselves to be victimized by drunk drivers.


California State Chair

Mothers Against Drunk Driving
