
Trend or exception?

Many Republicans try to pooh-pooh Clinton’s big lead over Dole in the polls, noting that the last two presidential winners--Clinton himself in 1992 and George Bush in 1988--headed into the convention season behind in the polls. But those two elections may have been flukes. According to Congressional Quarterly, in every other presidential election since World War II, the candidate who was leading in the polls before the conventions won the election.

Rapid Responders

Wondering how the Democrats fire back so quickly at Republican criticisms of President Clinton? It’s thanks to high technology and a cast of thousands. Well, not exactly. Democrats have brought a team of about 20 party operatives to San Diego--including big wigs like Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) and Clinton campaign chief Ann Lewis. To grease the wheels of communication, the Democrats have two fax machines that can spew out about 200 copies of their releases at once.

Quayle Flies South

Former Vice President Dan Quayle is heading west. He has bought a house in Phoenix, Ariz., and will be moving with his family in February. There he will be teaching at the Thunderbird American Graduate School of International Management, Quayle told reporters after addressing the California delegation Tuesday. However, Quayle said he will retain Huntington, Ind., as his voting address.
