
Don’t Tell Pat

They look very patriotic, all those tiny plastic American flags being sold by vendors all around San Diego. But Pat Buchanan, with all his protectionist fervor, would do well not to look too closely. In very small print, some say, “Made In China.”

Charity Begins at Home

Every First Lady seems to have a cause, and Elizabeth Hanford Dole has already decided what hers would be if her husband is elected. She told a civic gathering in San Diego on Tuesday that she would launch a campaign to increase charitable giving. A Dole aide said Americans currently give an average of 1.82% of their income to charity. If they increased that rate by another percentage point, America’s charities would gain $62 billion a year, Mrs. Dole said. On leave as president of the American Red Cross, Mrs. Dole heads one of the country’s largest charities.

Repeat Performance

When Jack Kemp addresses the convention tonight, he will be no stranger to his party’s podium. He has spoken at every Republican convention since 1972, when he gave a nominating speech for Spiro T. Agnew, Richard Nixon’s running mate. In 1992, Kemp was introduced to the Houston GOP convention by fellow former pro football quarterback Roger Staubach. Tonight, he’s scheduled to be introduced by New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman.
