
Clinton Begins 10-Day Vacation in Wyoming


President Clinton arrived in Wyoming on Friday for a 10-day family vacation that will be his last chance for an extended rest before the “high-intensity campaign” for the White House shifts into high gear.

Asked if he was looking forward to a break before the political wars key up, a smiling Clinton replied: “Very much, I need it.” He acknowledged he is feeling “tired.”

Arriving with his wife, Hillary, and daughter, Chelsea, after a campaign swing through California, Clinton planned a low-profile vacation in the state where he relaxed last year.


“This is a great time for him to get away,” said Deputy Press Secretary Mary Ellen Glynn, “before the high-intensity campaign begins.”

Republicans open their national convention in San Diego on Monday, and Democrats gather in Chicago Aug. 26-29 to make Clinton their formal candidate for a second White House term.

“This is a time for him to relax . . . and read and spend some time with his family,” said Glynn.


She said that Clinton also intends to work on his acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination, an address that traditionally gives a presidential candidate an opportunity to appeal directly to voters for their support.

The Clintons are staying at the 1,200-acre spread of Max Chapman, an investment banker.
