
June MetroLink Use Equals May Level

Ridership on the four MetroLink trains that run through Ventura County continues to do well, with the passenger rate nearing 3,000 per day for June, according to the latest figures provided by the Ventura County Transportation Commission.

Ridership numbers for the month remained about equal to May boardings.

Mary Travis, the Transportation Commission manager in charge of MetroLink service in Ventura County, credited a stepped-up marketing program and the continuing high price of gasoline for the figures.

MetroLink officials again plan to extend the commuter train service to the Ventura County Fairgrounds during the two weekends of the 1996 county fair.


Five trains each Saturday and Sunday will run from Simi Valley to Ventura and back, dropping fair visitors to within feet of the fair.

“The cost of the special train service is being paid by ticket sales and the fair board,” Travis said in her report to the commission.

A similar service will be operated later this summer when the city of Ventura hosts its annual California Beach Party.
