
Iran in Bahrain

I am responding to the June 12 letter from M. Hossein Nosrat, the press secretary of the Iranian mission to the United Nations, concerning your June 6 article, “U.S. Accuses Iran of Covert Actions Abroad.”

Perhaps not surprisingly, he makes spurious contentions concerning Bahrain’s internal situation. It is not for me here to respond to his misinformed comments, as the liberal workings of its political, economic and social systems are self-evident to all those who know Bahrain.

My aim is to point out what is obvious to any outsider, namely that Nosrat does not attempt to counter the facts revealed in recent disclosures of Iranian interference in Bahrain. The authorities have established clear evidence of spiritual and military training of activists and terrorists under Iranian auspices, and provision of monetary and other backing, including armaments.


This all accords with Iran’s policy, through whatever methods, of attempting to export its fundamentalist revolution. It is for that reason that Bahrain is appreciative of the close attention which its friends and allies, in particular the United States, are according Bahrain and the gulf region.



First Secretary

Embassy of Bahrain, Washington
