
Soul of the Wolf Unfairly Targeted

* Regarding the article May 30 titled “Wildlife Sanctuary’s Future Is Endangered,” I would like to clarify a couple of issues.

First, I do have permits for my exotic animals. I have a California Fish and Game exhibitor license, as well as a U.S. Department of Agriculture federal animal welfare license. I have had both licenses since 1992. The only license I’m missing is a Ventura County conditional use permit.

Secondly, regarding the conditional use permit, when I first moved to this property in 1992, I telephoned the Ventura County Planning Department to find out if I needed zoning clearance. I was told my property was zoned “open space” and did not require any sort of zoning clearance. Nearly five years later, I’m visited by the Planning Department and I’m slapped with a fine of $1,000 for not having a conditional use permit, and I’m ordered to obtain one. Since I cannot prove my conversation with the county nearly five years ago, it’s my word against theirs.


Third, county employee Nicole Donor was quoted as saying “a half dozen other Ventura County residents have managed to meet similar standards and receive a permit for exotic animals.” That’s true, but Ms. Donor failed to mention that many of those permits were obtained 40 years ago when nothing was required except a small fee and a handshake, not paving of a mile-long road and the installation of water towers. And as far as children living next door to me, there is not another house in sight of my property for miles around. I have no next-door neighbors.

Fourth, Joan Neuhaus was quoted as saying, “Can you see a firetruck making its way up there?”--insinuating that my road must be paved to allow firetruck access. In a conversation earlier this year with Ms. Neuhaus, she was aware that several full-sized firetrucks were at my house to save it during the October ’93 fires. Now she’s saying they cannot make it up my road unless it’s paved.

I do a community service here; I make very little money operating this sanctuary, and every dime goes into feeding my rescued animals, many of which would be dead if it weren’t for me. I educate children about animals, creating an awareness of our wild world. I discourage individuals from obtaining exotic animals as pets. I don’t understand the vendetta the county has launched against me, treating me as if I were a drug dealer or a child rapist. They have placed me into that category, and I intend to fight them to the last. It’s just not fair that the county be allowed to force a necessary educational facility out of state because of their error nearly five years ago.



Founder and CEO, Soul of the Wolf

