
City Seeks to Root Out Weed-Filled Properties

It’s weed-hearing time again in San Fernando.

As it has done each summer for at least 22 years, the city’s public works department recently sent out about 600 notices to residents, merchants and absentee property owners asking them to knock down unsightly weeds--or else!

Or else the city will hire a landscaping team to whack the weeds down and tag a nuisance abatement fine onto the tax bills of weed offenders. Fines in the past have ranged from $100 to $500.

Recipients will have a chance to protest the notices at a public hearing on Monday, but Public Works Director Mike Drake said few have appeared at hearings in years past.


“We’ve usually worked things out on the phone” with any weed offenders, Drake said. “Most people just do it--they clean up the weeds and it’s no problem. . . . We’re a small enough city that we can go straight out to the properties and talk to people.”

Drake added that the city ends up clearing weeds at approximately 50 or so properties each year.

The weed hearing will be held during the City Council meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. at San Fernando City Hall, 117 Macneil St.
