
Two Cheers for Capizzi

* Re “Judge Requests Explanation of Stanton Count,” May 4:

Since when is it the judge’s job to question a prosecutor why he’s prosecuting a case? Would it be proper for a prosecutor to question a judge’s verdict? Everyone has his own job to do.

Dist Atty. Michael R. Capizzi is doing a fine job, representing the people as he was elected to do. Now if Superior Court Judge John W. Ouderkirk isn’t already biased for some reason, maybe the people can finally see someone held accountable for the mess in Orange County.

If Ouderkirk is concerned with the logic in pursuing this case and the costs involved, maybe he should also wonder why Supervisor Roger Stanton doesn’t just resign. That would stop the process and save us a lot of money. Stanton probably doesn’t want to give up those fat paychecks. In the meantime, the people, however dissatisfied, have to live with the decisions he makes. Aside from the possible three-month difference Ouderkirk predicted, the people need accountability!



Fountain Valley


* One has to question the motives of some of the Board of Supervisors’ reasons for not increasing the salary of several of Dist. Atty. Michael R. Capizzi’s staff, as was negotiated and agreed some 14 months ago (“Officials Oppose Proposed Raises for 4 Prosecutors,” May 7). It appears that the ugly head of partisan politics has risen to the surface. Could it be a subtle message of intimidation to remind Capizzi and his staff that if you investigate us we still can exert influence over you and your operation?

The members of the district attorney’s staff are paid for 40 hours a week. They typically work a minimum of 60 hours a week and quite often 80 hours or more, including weekends. The salary increases recommended would raise their hourly rate of pay $6 to $8, at 40 hours a week. This does not seem unreasonable, given the enormity of their responsibilities and the tremendous job they perform, especially when compared to exorbitant fees private attorneys charge their clients.

I, for one, am extremely pleased with the job Capizzi and his staff are performing for us. The pay increase is not unreasonable and very deserving.



