
Oxnard Library’s 90th Anniversary

* In May 1907, the Oxnard Public Library opened its doors for the first time. Next year, 1997, we would like to celebrate the 90th anniversary of that grand opening with a series of events. These events will include speeches, dinners, parties and fun for everyone young and old.

Our 90th anniversary will be a time of celebration for both the library and the entire community of Oxnard. Volunteers to help work on the activities scheduled for next year will be more than welcome.

A special invitation also is extended to those of you who received library cards at either the old Carnegie Building, or at the C Street facility. If anyone out there is a longtime cardholder or a former member of the library staff, please give us a call. We would like to invite you to participate in next year’s festivities.


We are honored to note 90 years of quality library service to the city of Oxnard.


Community Outreach Program leader

Oxnard Public Library

