
Simpson Serves Only Tee in London

Associated Press

There was golf in the morning and dinner with a movie director in the evening. But a barrage of reporters’ questions about his murder trial Sunday handicapped O.J. Simpson’s second day in Britain.

“I don’t have very good form at the moment, and you guys being here doesn’t help,” a smiling Simpson told more than 100 journalists and photographers watching him tee off at a south London golf course.

Aiming to please, Simpson teed off a second time for the photographers. But he shrugged off questions about the 1994 knife slayings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Lyle Goldman.


The former football star dined Sunday night with British filmmaker Michael Winner, best known for directing the “Death Wish” series.

Today, Simpson will appear on a talk show and Tuesday he will travel to Oxford University.
