
BITES : Kissy-Kissy Recipes

“In the Kitchen With Miss Piggy: Fabulous Recipes from My Famous Celebrity Friends” (Time-Life; $17.95), like most Muppet productions, features a lot of stars in cameo roles. In fact, it’s all cameo roles. From A (Angelou, Maya) to, well, Y (Yamaguchi, Kristi), all the recipes were contributed by celebrities.

In her defense, the Muppet cutlet points out that she specializes in eating, not in cooking. And the Divine Miss P’s presence is detectable on every page, starting with her byline on the cover: “by Moi.”

Sensitive Walleyes

If it’s not one thing, it’s another: Walleyed pike have been harder to find in Lake Erie in recent years. As the lake’s pollution has gotten cleaned up, the fish have gone into hiding: They’re sensitive to light.


The Cobwebbed Web

The Italian wine company Marchesi Antinori is one of the oldest in the world, dating from 1385 (that’s why its labels proclaim “26 Generazioni”). In addition to making famous Chianti and other wines, the family owns a medieval castle, a couple of former monastic properties, a Renaissance palazzo and an estate that used to belong to the Medicis. So what else is there for Antinori to do?

Start its own Internet site, of course. If you want to surf the wet stuff, its address is https:/

2 Trillion Crackers & Counting

So you can prepare yourself for it, we’ll let you know that the 75th anniversary of the Cheez-It cracker is scheduled for a week from today. There’ll be a party in New York’s Times Square, and that’s just the beginning. Sunshine Biscuits Inc. plans a yearlong Cheez-It fanfare with contests and various other promotions.


We know about this because the company sent us a computer mouse pad with a Cheez-It 75th birthday design. (Mouse, cheese--get it?)
