
Group Opposes OK of Parkland Reduction

A citizens group campaigning for incorporation of 10 foothill communities has filed an appeal of a recent county decision to allow a developer to decrease parkland in Rancho Santa Margarita.

The appeal by the Foothill Cityhood Committee to the County Board of Supervisors argues that there is already a severe shortage of athletic fields in the area.

“We have a disaster going on out here with youth athletics,” committee spokesperson Ron Greek said. “The county needs to declare an emergency ordinance” to prevent developers from further reducing the number of parks in the area.


The county Planning Commission allowed Santa Margarita Co. to shrink its parkland commitment in the Town Center development because the company was also reducing the number of houses it planned to build there.

“I don’t really understand what Mr. Greek is saying,” company spokesperson Diane Gaynor said. “More athletic fields are provided in Rancho Santa Margarita than in any adjacent community.”
