
‘It Is a Disservice to the Voters . . . ‘

“I want it known . . . in Ventura County that when I say I support an issue, I do not change my mind at the last minute. I support Measure X. Community Memorial has never had my support and they know it. Their newspaper ad lies to the voters in Ventura County.”

--State Sen. Cathie Wright (R-Simi Valley)


“I’m insulted that they put my name in this ad. What’s worse is that my father’s name [Edward H. Flores, a former Oxnard planning commissioner] is on there, too. He has been deceased for four months. I’m totally, totally outraged.”

--Santa Paula Councilwoman Laura Flores Espinosa


“It’s so slimy. It’s a new low.”

--Grant Brimhall, city manager of Thousand Oaks


“I have never authorized my name for anything. In fact, I resigned from Community Memorial’s foundation because I objected to the way that the hospital is spending money on this campaign and its attitude in the treatment of poor people.”


--Wendy Lascher, Ventura attorney


“This is outrageous. I’m one of the principals who is trying to help pass Measure X.”

--Randall Feltman, director of Ventura County Mental Health Services


“I consider this to be campaign fraud.”

--Richard Weinstock, Ventura attorney


“I’m not going to buy their excuses or condone their apologies. It is a disservice to the voters, especially coming out the day before election. When’s the correction coming out, the day after the election?”

--Oxnard Councilman Andres Herrera


“I’m extremely upset because my reputation is important. I have not taken a stand publicly on this issue. However, because of this printing of our names in the paper, I have decided I will take a position publicly to support yes on Measure X.”

--Fred Bysshe, Ventura attorney


“I was surprised to hear that my name was on the list. I can’t even vote on this. I live 2 1/2 blocks outside of the county in Westlake Village.”


--Ernest Thurmond, president of United Way of Ventura County


“Normally, I would not share how I vote on any issue. But I am so angry at how they have handled this whole campaign, I want to state publicly that I have already sent in my absentee ballot and I have voted yes on Measure X.”

--Carol Nordahl, executive director of the Camarillo Chamber of Commerce


“I’ve never, never talked to anyone about this issue. I don’t think my name is anything special to use in a political campaign. But I think I should be consulted.”

--Harold Hurtt, Oxnard police chief


“My husband’s name [Dr. Mark Lisagor] and my name are in there and we are both incensed. How dare they! It’s dirty politics.”


--Terri Lisagor, a Cal State Northridge instructor and Camarillo activist


“I am offended. I don’t recall giving anybody permission to use my name in such an advertisement. The campaign is sure getting ugly.”

--Carolyn G. Briggs, executive director of the Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura


“My name is listed as a supporter and it’s absolutely false and absolutely wrong. I am an absolute supporter of Measure X.”

--Dierdre Frank, Oxnard attorney


“Ouch. I’ve been trying to stay out of that one.”

--Assemblyman Brooks Firestone (R-Los Olivos)


“Not only did I not give them permission, I have a Yes on Measure X sign in my yard and I spent all day Saturday canvassing precincts, handing out Yes on Measure X literature.”

--Frank Sieh, chief assistant Ventura County counsel


“I’m going to go after somebody. I find it very unethical to use my name when I haven’t taken any position or authorized anyone to use my name.”

--Ventura Councilman Steve Bennett


“I’m furious, partly because I work very hard on being a community builder and not taking sides on issues where there are good people on both sides.”


--Kate McLean, president of the Ventura County Community Foundation


“I am stunned. I don’t know why they would have put my name on that list. Or how they would have selected my name. You cannot put somebody’s name on a political ad without permission. It’s illegal.”

--Laura Peck, Ventura political activist


“I am definitely not endorsing this campaign. I’m very unhappy that they used my name.”

--Dixie D. Adeniran, director of the Ventura County Library Services Agency


“They are using my name without ever talking to me. I don’t think it is very appropriate. I’m for Measure X.”

--Pete Tafoya, president of the Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees


“I support the No on Measure X campaign. But I cannot believe I authorized the use of my name. And believe me, no one in my office would have. I don’t get involved in local land-use issues.”

--Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley)


“I’m furious. I’m against Community Memorial Hospital’s position on this. I find it annoying this whole thing came out the day before the election. You can’t tell me professional people make this kind of mistake.”

--Marguerite Webster, marriage and family therapist in Ventura and Ojai


“I’m not feeling very good about it. I just didn’t want to get involved. I’ve seen many of these mix-ups during my political career. Some are just blatantly wrong.”


--Assemblyman Nao Takasugi (R-Oxnard)


“Other than receiving their mail, I cannot fathom where they got my name on an endorsement list.”

--Bernard Korenstein, superintendent of the Oxnard School District


“I certainly don’t believe I have given my permission. I don’t recall my being asked.”

--Oxnard attorney Marc Charney


“I’ve never publicly said whether I was for or against Measure X. It bothers me that they would use my name without my permission.”

--Francisco Dominguez, executive director of El Concilio


“This is really disgusting that they used my name. I just cannot believe that I’m on there.”

--Lee Riggan, executive director of the Commission on Human Concerns
