
Welcome Alternative

I’m prompted to remark on the superiority of the A&E;’s recent miniseries TV presentation of “Pride and Prejudice” over the current film “Sense and Sensibility.”

If “Pride and Prejudice” were in the Oscar competition, it would surely merit the same raves for script, costuming, acting, etc., as “Sense and Sensibility,” and in this viewer’s opinion would likely leave “Sense and Sensibility” in the dust. Not incidentally, the British cast in “Pride and Prejudice” was winsome and accomplished.

Colin Firth’s theatrical range may not be as extensive, but--in this piece--he resembled a latter-day Laurence Olivier and Jennifer Ehle, a Merle Oberon. A pleasant echo at least. Intentional perhaps?


Mr. Firth is certainly a welcome alternative to the vapid Hugh Grant!


Costa Mesa
