
Ex-Wife of Steve Garvey Drops Request for Restraining Order

Cyndy Truhan, former wife of onetime Dodgers star Steve Garvey, has dropped her request for a restraining order against Santa Monica restaurateur Hans Rockenwagner.

Truhan, 46, has been charged with making false reports to police that Rockenwagner--whom she dated for almost two years--had harassed and stalked her. Rockenwagner says the reality is that Truhan has broken into his home, bothered him at his Santa Monica restaurant and called him as many as 35 times a night.

Rockenwagner, 34, has obtained a restraining order against Truhan. Her request for a restraining order against him was dropped on Thursday.


After filing last week for legal separation, Garvey’s current wife, Candace Garvey, accused Truhan of harassing her and her husband and said a fear of Truhan was the primary reason for the separation.
