
A Different Version?

Does Howard Rosenberg know a Michael Kinsley who is different from the one I know (“In the End, All Build Up, No Execution,” Feb. 26)? For many years I have read him in the New Republic and have heard him on “Crossfire.” He certainly does not sound like a centrist to me.

And does Rosenberg listen to a different “Crossfire” from the one I hear? “Ferraro has improved the show by making it marginally more thoughtful. That means that now a guest occasionally can complete a sentence before being interrupted.” The Ferraro I hear talks and interrupts guests so much that she couldn’t possibly have time to think about what she is saying. With Ferraro, as I did with Kinsley, I repeatedly shout, “Shut up and let your guest answer.”

A program with four people talking at once makes little sense to a listener.


