
South Carolina Preview

The year’s first Southern primary has the potential to restore order to the chaotic GOP presidential race. A solid win by Bob Dole could start him on a steady march toward the nomination. Patrick J. Buchanan hopes to at least make the contest close. Lamar Alexander needs a boost in the state; without one, his campaign will be in dire straits.


Number of delegates: 37

How apportioned: Winner takes all

Who can vote: Any registered voter

Time polls close: 4 p.m. PST

Registered voters: 1,478,958 (no party registration)

1992 General Election

Bush: 48%

Clinton: 40%

Perot: 12%

Elected Officials

Gov. David Beasley (R)

Sen. Strom Thrumond (R)

Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (D)

House delegation: 4 Republicans, 2 Democrats


Alexander: 10

Buchanan: 37

Dole: 35

Forbes: 60

Needed to Nominate: 996

At Stake Today: 37

The People

Population Total: 3,691,462

White: 67%

Black: 30%

Latino: 1%

Other: 1%



S.C.: 5.7%

U.S.: 5.6%


Median family income

S.C.: $31,640

U.S.: $34,761


Violent crimes

Crimes Per 100,000 Population

S.C.: 1,031

U.S.: 716

Sources: U.S. Census, Claritas Inc., various media sources

Researched by ROB CIOE and MALOY MOORE / Los Angeles Times
