
Angels Flight Returns to L.A.

Re “Welcome Back, Angels Flight,” editorial, Feb. 23:

We don’t seem to see much good news these days and I don’t often agree with your editorials, but I was delighted to read the editorial heralding the return of Angels Flight. Having been born and raised in Los Angeles, it brought back old memories of shopping trips downtown along with rides on Angels Flight and lunches at Clifton’s Cafeteria.

We all must meet downtown. Soon.


Huntington Beach

* It’s ironic that your editorial failed to credit the Community Redevelopment Agency for delivering on its promise to bring back the beloved downtown funicular. It was CRA that originally removed Angels Flight to make way for the renewal of Bunker Hill and it was CRA that financed and oversaw restoration of Angels Flight.

The redevelopment agency harnessed property tax revenue generated by the new high-rises on Bunker Hill to pay for the work. The same source of monies also has been used by the redevelopment agency to build more than 14,000 housing units for low- and moderate-income people throughout Los Angeles.


Angels Flight is just the latest in a series of major improvements CRA has brought about downtown. A face-lift for historic Pershing Square, restoration of the Central Public Library and the expanded Convention Center are other prime examples. These projects and many more are making downtown a prime destination not just for tourists but also for Angelenos.

The Community Redevelopment Agency joins The Times in saluting the return of Angels Flight. But our work revitalizing downtown and communities in need throughout the city is far from finished. Angels Flight is just the down payment on that bigger promise.


CRA Chair

Los Angeles
