
Westside : City Council Urged to Ban Yard Sales

If one Culver City council member has his way, garage and yard sales will be a thing of the past.

“I think they’re really a revulsion; they’re ugly,” Councilman Jim Boulgarides said. “I don’t want to be anywhere dumpy. I want [the city] to be nice, simple, small and clean.”

Sellers spread their wares all over their front lawns, which attracts the attention of passersby and creates traffic jams in neighborhoods, Boulgarides complained. He noted that some people are even making a regular business of garage and yard sales and are selling new merchandise that they bought cheaply somewhere else.


But the sales are popular. Culver City police report that they issue about 420 permits a year.

Adele Seigel said the city should focus on beefing up its enforcement of laws concerning yard sales, not banning them entirely, saying: “I don’t think garage sales are ugly, and I don’t mind them being on people’s lawns. “I think they’re an attraction for conversation and comradeship among neighbors.”

The City Council will consider the matter Monday night.
