
MAGIC REAPPEARS : Johnson Will Not Get Any Special Treatment, Lakers’ Trainer Insists

Laker trainer Gary Vitti came under scrutiny--and some criticism--in 1992 when he treated a scratch on Magic Johnson’s forearm without wearing gloves. The attention over the incident was one reason Johnson aborted his comeback.

Vitti said Monday he is confident Johnson’s return will go without incident even though the guidelines to handle cuts have not changed since 1991.

“Trainers and doctors should not be looking at Johnson any differently than any other player in the NBA,” Vitti said.


Adopting “universal precaution” guidelines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, NBA rules call for prompt treatment of any injury where there is significant chance of infection. That means games can be stopped before a dead ball to remove or treat a player with a cut.

The guidelines also call for trainers and physicians to use gloves and other routine sanitary precautions when contact with blood is necessary. Game officials can remove players and order them to change jerseys or shorts if they have blood on their uniforms, even if the blood is from another player.

“We approach all players as if they have been tested and tested positive,” Vitti said. “We’re not changing anything for Magic.”
