
Orange County Focus is dedicated on Monday to analysis of community news, a look at what’s ahead and the voices of local people. : Drain Repairs Begun on Cerritos Avenue

As part of a nearly $1.1-million street improvement project, the city has begun construction work on a storm drain on Cerritos Avenue near Lexington Street. The road repairs also will include street paving, new curbs and restored sidewalks and driveways.

Edward B. Lee, director of public works and city engineer, said the Cerritos Avenue project is the third phase of a five-part project designed to extend the life of the city’s streets.

During the last six weeks, repairs have been made at Starr Street and Yana Drive and at Hopi Road and Lessue Avenue.


Lee said financial constraints hindered large-scale road projects in previous years. The city has, however, saved some gas taxes over the years that will pay for the majority of project repairs, he said. About 15% of the work will be paid for through a federal community development grant.

“The city hasn’t done a [street repair] job this large in well over five or six years. So it is a very significant project,” Lee said.

The Cerritos Avenue project, which is being done by Excel Paving Co., will at times slow traffic through the area to 25 mph, but streets will be accessible most of the time during construction.


Traffic detours have moved all the traffic to the north side of Cerritos Avenue because the storm drain is south of the street.

Two of four lanes on Cerritos Avenue have been shut down, causing some delays, although drivers still can travel both east and west on the street.

After the Cerritos Avenue project is finished, the city will start work in the Amy Briarwood-Thunderbird area and Stanton Park.
