
Orange County Focus is dedicated on Monday to analysis of community news, a look at what’s ahead and the voices of local people. : School Board to Weigh Limit on Comments

Trustees of the Fullerton School District tonight will discuss imposing a time limit on public comments at future board meetings.

After months of listening to lengthy speeches at their meetings, including one lasting more than 20 minutes, board members earlier this month requested a survey to find out if other Orange County school districts limit the public’s speaking time.

At tonight’s meeting, the officials will discuss the results of the survey, which reveals that 22 school districts in the county have time limitations on public comments, ranging from two to five minutes per person.


In addition, 13 other school districts have limits ranging from 15 to 30 minutes.

The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at the district office, 1401 W. Valencia Drive.
