
Knickerbocker Changes Auditors

L.L. Knickerbocker Co. Inc., a collectibles distributor whose stock price swings raised eyebrows last year, said it has hired Deloitte & Touche LLP to serve as the company’s independent accountants and auditors.

Deloitte & Touche will audit Knickerbocker’s financial results for 1995, replacing Los Angeles-based Singer, Leewak, Greenbaum & Goldstein, a firm that reviewed Knickerbocker’s results in 1993 and 1994.

In a statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Knickerbocker officials said “there were no disagreements” with previous auditors, nor had that firm rendered an adverse opinion about Knickerbocker’s finances. “We had a small, regional firm representing us, and we felt to take the company where we wanted to go we had to have one of the Big Six firms,” said Louis Knickerbocker, chief executive. “This is just part of our plan to grow.”
