
No-Fee Loan Can Offer Benefits to Consumers

Carla Lazzareschi (“ ‘No Fee’ Loans Too Good to Be True,” Jan. 7) did not mention the many benefits to the consumer of a no-fee loan as opposed to paying points to get a lower rate.

Let’s take her example of a homeowner who has a $200,000 mortgage. After financing $5,000 in points and fees to buy the rate down to 7% versus an 8%, no-fee loan, the difference is $103.65 per month. If the homeowner lives there for less than four years, he will actually save more money by refinancing into an 8%, no-fee loan as opposed to paying $5,000 in points and fees to get a 7% rate. She also does not consider the possibility of rates moving even lower any time in the next 30 years.

For example, if that same homeowner can get a $200,000, 7% no-cost loan in one year from now and you amortize the loan over 29 years (to account for the lost year), your payment is $1,344.26, compared with the $205,000, 7% payment of $1,363.00. You’ve saved $19.62 per month plus the $5,000 in points and fees.


As long as the no-fee loan doesn’t have a prepayment penalty, it can be more advantageous in the right set of circumstances to the homeowner, because we simply don’t know how low rates will go.



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Lake Forest
