
Task Force Presents Ideas on City Revenue

Moving forward with a plan aimed at encouraging consumers to spend their money in this city, the Laguna Beach City Council has directed the Economic Vitality Task Force to continue its work.

The task force has spent months studying ways to help local business while boosting the city’s sales tax revenue. On Tuesday the group gave the council a report, listing a variety of ways to accomplish those goals.

Possibilities included working with the Chamber of Commerce on pro-business activities--such as producing a business directory, parking map and visitors guide for shoppers--and placing information about Laguna Beach businesses on the Internet.


Other options included creating a “resident shopping day” with free parking for locals.

It is still unclear how the task force’s recommendations will be accomplished.

Unanimously endorsing the task force’s efforts to date, the council urged the group on, instructing them to develop specifics about how their recommendations can be implemented.
