
3 Schools’ Cable TV Access to Be Expanded

The city’s public elementary schools soon will have expanded access to cable television.

At the recommendation of the city’s Cable TV Commission, the City Council this week voted to spend $11,200 for the project.

The money will pay for installation of three additional cable-TV outlets at each of the eight Cypress School District elementary schools that are within the city limits. Those schools now have only one outlet each.

Continental Cablevision provides free cable service to the schools, and the expanded service also will be free, said school district Supt. William Eller.


Eller said the extra cable-TV access will allow the schools to pick up programs aimed specifically at certain grade levels.

Louie Giampapa, chairman of the Cable TV Commission, said the $11,200 cost to the city “is approximately $2.55 per student. That’s less than 1 cent per student per day for one year. . . . This is a win-win situation for approximately 4,500 students.”

Councilwoman Gail H. Kerry said she was concerned that two schools in the Cypress School District--Luther in La Palma and Dickerson in Buena Park--were not included in the project. Officials responded that the school district did not ask Cypress to pick up the tab for those schools.


Eller said he will ask the cities of La Palma and Buena Park to follow Cypress’ lead.
