
Rock in Huntington Beach, Blues in Long Beach


The Huntington Beach Art Center is helping to cultivate the grass roots of the Orange County rock scene by sponsoring an ongoing concert series called Playing in the Band.

Chris Cole, a center staffer, launched the series, which resumes with shows Feb. 10 and March 2 in the center’s main gallery at 538 Main St.

Since spring, Cole said, the center has sponsored five nights of grass-roots rock and has seen attendance grow from about 10 for the initial show to about 300 for the most recent one, which took place in September. Previously free, the concerts now will cost $2 to offset the expenses of bringing in extra staff to accommodate the larger audiences.


The idea isn’t to book the hottest-drawing local bands, Cole said, but to provide a forum for budding bands that are hoping to hone their skills and make an impact.

The shows run from 8 p.m. to midnight, with five bands each evening. Bulbous Caboose, Essence, Sky High Blues and Urban Sprawl are booked for Feb. 10; the fifth band will be announced. Information: (714) 374-1655.


LUES BAR OPENS: The local blues scene has a new outlet in Long Beach: The Raw Bones Blues Bar opened Jan. 19 in the Seaport Marina Hotel, 6400 Pacific Coast Highway (at 2nd Street).


The 500-capacity venue features live blues seven nights a week and plans a mix of touring and local talent. So far the focus has been on Southern California acts. Coming shows include Flat Top Tom & the Jump Cats and Jamie Woods & the Roadhouse Rockets tonight; Brody Buster & the BWB Band with the 4th St. Blues Band, Feb. 2 and 3; and Rod Piazza & the Mighty Flyers with Raging Sun, Feb. 9 and 10. A weekly Gospel Brunch with live music begins Feb. 4. Information: (310) 434-8451.


OOST FOR SCHOOLS: The Laguna Beach pop and rock community continues to rally in support of the city’s schools. Veteran blues-rock guitarist John Heussenstamm will lead his band and guest performers Feb. 3 in a benefit for SchoolPower Laguna, an organization that provides financial and other aid to the schools. Heussenstamm has three children in the Laguna Beach schools. Members of the band Honk also have played concerts in support of the schools.

The show with Heussenstamm and company will take place in the Artists’ Theatre at Laguna Beach High School, 625 Park Ave., starting at 8 p.m. Tickets: $15. Information: (714) 497-6952.
