

Times Staff and Wire Reports

Isetan Seeks Order Forcing Barneys to Pay Rent: Isetan of America Inc. launched a new volley in its legal battle with the New York-based retailer, asking a bankruptcy judge to order Barneys to pay $3 million in back rent on three Barneys Inc. stores--on Madison Avenue in New York City, in Chicago and in Beverly Hills. Barneys is suing to recover that money, claiming that it was paid out not as rent but as return on an equity investment Isetan, a Japanese luxury-goods retailer, made in Barneys. Barneys’ fear that Isetan would try to terminate the leases in response was a major factor in Barneys’ decision to seek Bankruptcy Court protection on Jan. 10. In asking U.S. Bankruptcy Judge James L. Garrity Jr. to force Barneys to pay rent on the stores, Isetan complained that it is the only post-petition creditor Barneys is refusing to pay. Garrity will consider Isetan’s application Jan. 31, at the same hearing at which Barneys hopes to win final approval for $100 million in financing from Chemical Banking Corp.
