
ROCKY RIDGE: One of the landowners that...

ROCKY RIDGE: One of the landowners that could be affected by Thousand Oaks’ proposed ridgeline ordinance (B1) is Cal Lutheran University, which announces its presence to Olsen Road motorists via initials painted on rocks above the campus. . . . The university opposed the action because it uses the land as collateral on loans, but it has no plans to build on the hillside. “The community uses it regularly for walking and hiking,” CLU Vice President Dennis Gillette said. “It’s such a magnificent view up there.”

BLOOD SUPPLY: The nation’s store of blood is down, thanks to the flu, blizzards and corporate cuts. The weather hasn’t been a factor in Ventura County, but illness and the economy have. . . . Chris Fleming of United Blood Services says a flu outbreak cut donations in late December and early January. The economic doldrums have also hurt the blood supplier, which gets 30% to 40% of its donations through corporate drives. “Our companies are smaller. We have to be creative,” Fleming said.

FOOTLOOSE: Dave Ulloa’s first love was soccer, but when he moved to California and started high school, it wasn’t offered (C6). So despite the fact that he was only 5-foot-9, Ulloa went out for basketball. . . . “The only reason I made the team was because I beat everyone in running,” Ulloa says. “I had no basketball skills.” But he persevered, and he’s now a standout at Cal Lutheran, which plays Pomona-Pitzer tonight.


HOME PRIDE: It’s only $80,000 out of a $61.5-billion state budget, but Nacho Pina of the California Conservation Corps hopes that it will buy lots of self-respect. That’s the amount that the governor has approved for a program that would allow 10 to 12 youths living in an Oxnard housing authority to be paid to help modernize the city housing. . . . Pina thinks that the program has a good chance: Of 21 proposals by the CCC and local corps, only five were written into the budget. If the item makes it into the final version, the program would start July 1.
