
Opportunities for Volunteering

The University of California Master Gardener Program needs volunteers. After training, volunteers will work with residents of low-income neighborhoods setting up community gardens, answering gardening questions on the telephone and working on a newsletter. Classes meet from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fridays between Feb. 2 and April 26 and include lectures, hands-on workshops, and field trips. Classes cost $75 and are open to Los Angeles County residents only. For more information call (213) 744-4863.

Results, a national lobbying organization on hunger and poverty issues concerning children, needs volunteers to write letters to elected officials and help run fund-raising events. Volunteers can also participate in an international conference call every month. For more information, call Terry Stone at (818) 908-8902 or Sheila Goldner at (213) 877-7925.

The Valley Storefront, Jewish Family Services, in North Hollywood needs volunteers to help with entertainment, teaching classes and in sales. An entertainment coordinator is needed to book acts to perform twice a month. Volunteer instructors teach classes in any area of interest. Volunteers in the boutique help mark, arrange and sell merchandise. For more information, call (818) 984-1380.
