
Mayor’s Aide Quits to Focus on Race

Ted Stein, a key player on Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan’s team, said Thursday that he is resigning both his administration posts to concentrate on his campaign for city attorney.

As president of the Riordan-appointed Airport Commission, Stein, 48, has headed the administration’s tough drive to boost airport revenues and find ways to funnel more of the funds to City Hall for expanded police and other city services. Stein, a San Fernando Valley lawyer, has also held the unpaid position of senior policy advisor to the mayor.

In a press release, Riordan praised Stein, saying: “As a result of Ted’s tenacious and innovative leadership of the airport network, we have accomplished many of the fundamental changes we promised taxpayers when I took office.”


Riordan cited Stein’s leading role in the administration’s hard-won battle to raise landing fees and his efforts to improve concessions and other services.
