
Southeast : Business Brisk as Gas Stations Cut Prices

Cars lined the streets surrounding some Mobil gas stations when drivers took advantage of a temporary but drastic gas price reduction special.

In Compton, as elsewhere, customers were delighted with the lower prices.

“This is great, we really need more specials like this,” said Martha Kemp, a convalescent caretaker who waited 15 minutes in a 13-car line on Long Beach Boulevard to fill up her car. “They’d better not run out of gas before I get there.”

Several miles away, where business was not as brisk, two station attendants went out on the sidewalk to encourage motorists to take advantage of the special. Adrianne Fournier and Linda McKenna were successful in waving in motorists to their gas pumps at 20th and Hoover streets.


In all, about 400 Mobil stations in Southern California slashed prices on all grades of gas to 99.9 cents between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

The company plans to donate $15,000 in Thursday’s proceeds to Meals on Wheels, a charity that delivers hot meals to housebound senior citizens.
