
India Culture Group Plans Performance

The India Cultural Society of Simi and Conejo Valleys will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a special performance of Indian music and folk dances Jan. 27 at Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza.

The nonprofit group was started in 1976 by a group of first-generation Indian immigrants who wanted to teach their children about Indian culture. Its specific goal was to use Indian music and dance to teach children about their ethnic background.

But since its founding, the India Cultural Society has grown, as more than 1,000 Indian families have moved to the area, according to group leaders. Now the group wants to expand its role to help youths and senior citizens as well as organize community activities.


The Jan. 27 event, which begins at 7:30 p.m., will also serve as a fund-raiser for the new ventures. Tickets cost $15 to $30. For information, call 581-3902.
