
Council Might Place Term Limit on Ballot

Council members would be limited to two terms under a ballot measure being considered by the City Council today.

If the council decides to put the measure before voters in November, incumbent members could be restricted to a pair of four-year terms and could have to wait at least two years before running again.

Under the proposal, a council member who served a partial term of at least two years would have his or her time in office counted as a full term. If passed, the provision would apply to council members elected this fall.


An alternative to term limits proposed by resident Bob Wall two weeks ago likely violates state Election Code, City Atty. Terry Dixon said. Wall suggested incumbents considering a third term be allowed to run as write-in candidates.

But Dixon said Wall’s option would be a handicap for the candidate, such as requiring an incumbent to get twice as many votes as anyone else to be reelected.

After researching state law, Dixon said the write-in alternative would conflict with election codes stating that a candidate who files nomination papers is entitled to have his or her name listed on the ballot.
