
San Gabriel Valley : City to Seek Ways to Boost Utilities Service

The Pasadena City Council is holding a special meeting Wednesday to explore ideas on how to cut bureaucracy and improve utilities service to its residents.

City Manager Phil Hawkey said he would like to simplify the process of providing services such as repairing broken meters, a procedure currently made difficult by an overabundance of paperwork.

Hawkey said improving utilities services would require city employees to think in terms of good, speedy reaction and getting rid of the “it’s not my job attitude.” He said there would be retraining and investment in new technology.


If the council votes to explore the concept further, Hawkey said the city will need to save in other parts of its budget to make room for the cost of improvements in utilities service.

City officials say the push for change in the quality of service comes in light of deregulation in the electric utility industry, which could soon put city halls in competition with the private sector.
